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Awards Subcommittee

The Awards Subcommittee oversees the selection of the recipients of the IEEE History Committee fellowships and prizes. The 2024 recipient of the IEEE Life Member Fellowship in the History of Electrical and Computing Technology is Alex Reiss-Sorokin, Post Doctorate at Princeton University, for “Trust in Information Technology and the Implications of Technological Development". The 2024 recipient of the Bernard S. Finn IEEE History Prize (formerly the Life Member Paper Prize) was selected by the Society for the History of Technology is Damilola Adebayo, York University, for "Electricity, Agency, and Class in Lagos Colony, c. 1860s-1914. The 2024 recipient of the Joyce and William Middleton Electrical Engineering History Award/Book Prize is “Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology”...


So far in 2024, 14 Milestones have been dedicated in five Regions: three in Region 1 (Semiconductor Laser, Radar Beacon System, and 193-nm Photolithography); three in Region 10 (Australia’s Deep Space Station 43, Japan’s Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors, and South Korea’s CDMA Commercialization); six in Region 6 (TCP Protocol/Internet, 802 Standards Committee, Birth of Google, Alto personal computer, Laser Printer, and Ethernet); Region 8 (Cavity Magnetron in the UK); and Region 2 (the Compiler and COBOL). The History Committee has also approved 10 Milestone proposals from Japan, Germany, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and France, and will be evaluating several more Milestone proposals this year.

Engineering and Technology History Wiki (ETHW)

ETHW is the Engineering and Technology History Wiki, a partnership between the United Engineering Foundation, and the AIAA, AIChE, AIME, ASHRAE, ASCE, ASME, IEEE, SPE and SWE. In 2024, content added to the ETHW includes: 66 articles, 25 oral histories, 8 first-hand histories, one archival audiovisual recording, 813 files (images and pdf documents), and several historical newsletter issues from IEEE Women Engineering Students, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, IEEE San Francisco Bay Area Council, and the IEEE Boston, New York, Hyderabad, Madras and Kerala Sections. For the site's infrastructure, the main content landing pages were revised for readability and browsability, and, in late September, a new technology museum feature was launched.



HISTELCON (HISTory of ELectro-technology CONference) refers to a series of historical symposia sponsored by IEEE Region 8 that aims to to serve as catalyst for exchange of ideas on engineering and technology history. Founded in 2008, HISTELCON has brought together participants with different backgrounds – engineers, historians, researchers in Science, Technology and Society, Museum curators etc. in order to help in creating a network between researchers and practitioners from academia and industry. The IEEE History Center and IEEE History Committee have usually served as technical cosponsors. Starting in 2025, the conference will become an annual event that will initially rotate between Region 8 (Germany) , Region 10 (Japan), Region 7 (Canada), and Region 9 (Latin America).

IEEE Canada – Region 7

During the past year, IEEE Canada has published a special issue of IEEE Canadian Review on the History of Technology, held a special session on the History of Technology at the 2024 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) in Kingston, Ontario, and had an IEEE Milestone on Cobalt-60 Radiation Therapy for Cancer Treatment approved. IEEE Canada also added a History of Science and Technology track to the IEEE Canadian Journal on Electrical and Computer Engineering, committed to hold a History of Technology session at IEEE CCECE 2025 in Vancouver in May 2025, and signed an agreement with IEEE Region 8 to host IEEE Histelcon in Canada in 2027.


IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society

2024 is the 75th anniversary of the formation of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. Founded in 1949, AP-S is the third oldest IEEE technical society. At the 2024 IEEE AP-S/URSI conference in Florence in July, the society hosted a Plenary Session on "Celebrating 75 Years of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, Looking Forward to the Next 75 Years," a “75 Years Celebratory Lunch,” an “Intersociety Collaboration Panel,” an “AP-S Diamond Jubilee Special Event,” and an “IEEE AP-S 75 Years Gala Dinner.” The society is also preparing a Special Issue of the AP Magazine devoted to the anniversary.

IEEE Vehicular Technology Society

2024 is the 75th anniversary of the formation of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. Founded in 1949, VTS is the sixth oldest IEEE technical society. It is also the occasion of the 100th Vehicular Technology Conference. At the 2024-Fall IEEE VTC in Washington, DC in October, the society will host numerous events that will celebrate these two important milestones. The IEEE History Center and VTS History Committee have collaborated in the development of interactive exhibits designed to immerse attendees in the history of their society.